Visiting “Toblerone” chocolate Mountain – Zermatt, Switzerland

Visiting “Toblerone” chocolate Mountain – Zermatt, Switzerland

If you are subscribed to our YouTube channel, and you watched at least a few of our videos, you must have noticed the pattern. Our girls always manage to get a hold of some sweets, and you can see the pure happiness on their faces, as they enjoy their...

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A Day in the City of Inspiration | Montreux, Switzerland

A Day in the City of Inspiration | Montreux, Switzerland

  “We all came out to Montreux on the Lake Geneva shoreline to make records with a mobile we didn't have much time…” You've probably already recognized these lyrics since they are the beginning of one of the most popular songs of all time. Yes, it is "Smoke on...

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Take a Walk Through the Stunning 900-year Old Village: Fribourg, Switzerland

Take a Walk Through the Stunning 900-year Old Village: Fribourg, Switzerland

The places that are usually visited when traveling to another country are its capital city, the famous sightseeing spots, and maybe some natural treasures if you’re into hiking or camping. But, we always make sure to take a little detour and visit villages to meet the locals and try...

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Join Us on a Walk through Artistic Heaven – Basel, Switzerland

Join Us on a Walk through Artistic Heaven – Basel, Switzerland

Close your eyes. Imagine a city for everyone. Ideal one. The sound of the river in your ears, warm sun on your skin, depths of the old town to explore, the idea of entering more than forty different museums tingling in the back of your mind, delicious Swiss cuisine,...

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Welcome to Zurich, one of the most expensive cities in the world

Welcome to Zurich, one of the most expensive cities in the world

  Welcome to Zurich, one of the most expensive cities in the world. You may think it is also the capital city of Switzerland, but it’s not. It’s the biggest and the most popular one, but Bern is still considered to be the official capital city. You’ve probably already...

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    Sion is one of those cities that seduces you from a great distance, before you even reach the town, watching it from the highway or through the train window. It has ancient castles placed on two rocky hills, opposite to each other, surrounded by the Rhone valley,...

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