Sleeping On Hay At A Barn In Switzerland! Schlaf im Stroh

Sleeping On Hay At A Barn In Switzerland! Schlaf im Stroh

  While we were visiting the northeastern part of Switzerland, we decided to take a little detour since our friend told us about their fun experience at a nearby farm. We decided to give it a try and without any expectations, made a reservation at the “Ufemberg” barn. There...

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5 reasons for doing long term travel with children

5 reasons for doing long term travel with children

Have you always wanted to travel, but now that you have kids, you think you can’t get on the road with them? Or do you maybe think traveling with kids is wasting time and money, because they won’t remember it anyways? Well, we believe there’s no good excuse for...

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Don’t let stereoptypes dissuade you from traveling with kids

Don’t let stereoptypes dissuade you from traveling with kids

    This planet is full of lovely views, creative and helpful people and interesting cultures. But there are also a lot of stereotypes about many countries and especially traveling to certain countries. The problem is that these are usually based on exaggerated media images and concepts åand impressions...

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4 travel related things that will make your child stronger

4 travel related things that will make your child stronger

Taking your children on trips or doing long-term traveling with them will definitely change the way they grow up and also the way they think. They will learn to see the wider picture and their horizons will broaden. Different challenges en route will strengthen their personality. We’ve gathered a...

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