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Want to support our work?!?

We love making the Growing Up Without Borders Videos! We do it for fun and to also encourage people to travel and discover new places.

We are going to continue making new videos and if you feel like you would like to support us, it would be greatly appreciated!
We don’t “expect” anyone to support us financially, but if you can in some way, we’ll be grateful from the bottom of our hearts!

Warm Regards from Somewhere in the World,

The Pattons


If you’re just looking for a quick way to say thank you with your wallet, you can click the PayPal button below and send us some money that we’ll put towards getting better equipment and take our videos to the next level.

Click here to donate


Buying something on Amazon? Click the button below to use our affiliate link and we’ll receive a % of everything you buy off Amazon in the next 24 hours.

Buy me a coffee!

Growing Up Without Borders has been dedicated to crafting KILLER CONTENT on Family Travel & Remote Work since 2017.

With hundreds of articles on our website and over 700 videos on our YouTube channel, we've made our mark across various social platforms.

If you've found value in our years of free content and wish to contribute towards our future endeavours, we wholeheartedly appreciate any support you can offer. Your generosity will fuel our continued journey of exploration, education, and inspiration. Thank you for being part of our adventure!

Buy me a coffee here! 


To discuss ways to advertise and partner with us and to receive our media kit and rates, please fill out the form below.